by Cristiana Larizza



Let us know what you think of the VOICE app!At the following link you can fill out the questionnaire evaluating the app and include comments for future improvements!https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-7kANeQk4fgKMJmn1AMaDOdyDJBAafr7atAnbVxiH54XPvQ/formResponseIf you like the app, leave a positive comment and/or contact us for suggestions.An application capable of supporting the communication of subjects with normal verbal abilities and subjects who use CAA (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) and PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), taking advantage of the most recent technological developments in the areas of artificial intelligence and Vocal recognition.Voce is a useful tool to directly support individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) but also, indirectly, all professionals in the sector and especially families.Within the application it will be possible to create communication tables and CAA and PECS social stories. Furthermore, it will be possible to insert personalized pictograms and associate them with profiles based on your preferences.Voce implements a communications progress monitoring system that can be viewed in the "Dashboard" section of the profile page.In the communication session it will be possible to hold a communication, using a table created to compose a sentence and using the translator to create a sequence of pictograms starting from a text or a voice message.